
Bloomberg data source in China

There are two branches of Bloomberg in the mainland of China--Bloomberg news agency, Beijing branch and Bloomberg news agency, Shanghai branch. There is no websites of these two branches, only the contact number and address available. From the name of these two branches, we can guess that they mainly provide news, not data analysis of China's domestic firms. As far as I know, these two Bloomberg branches currently buy data of local companies mainly from china economic information centre (CEI). http://www.cei.gov.cn/

China economic information centre, found on December 2, 1996, is the formation of the State Information Center to provide economic information for the professicial and business purpose.
It is an information platform for the government, financial institutions, schools, enterprises, research institutions and foreign investors. The service is to statistical data and research reports. The Internet is the largest Chinese economic information base, as announced by CEI.

It is supposed that data collected by Bloomberg from CEI is mainly in China macroeconomic area. Data of companies listed in stock market can be collected from the regular reports—both quarter and annual reports. I guess that Bloomberg also buys information from government and industry associations. In this way, it can not only cut cost but also save time.

However, from my point of view, sometimes the data may be not accurate, as some local governments intend to polish the economic data. In this way, they could either cut taxes which allocatied to central government or announce an excellent performance which will lead to higher reputation and position. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/FJ23Ad01.html

Besides CEI, China infobank is another critical China business information souce in China. http://www.chinainfobank.com/irisweb/english/homepage.htm )
The company collects, indexes and broadcasts China business information of various business sectors to satisfy customers. The areas covered by its database is the largest in China. At present, the database has over 10 billion Chinese characters, 10 million articles. Furthermore, it is accumulating at a rate of 20 million Chinese characters per day.

In my point, when foreign companies such as Bloomberg buy bussniss data from either China governments or institutions, they should make sure that the data are accurate and up to date. To achieve this goal, they must be aware of Chinese accounting system, as it was different from western accounting system, and the local laws as well. Besides, they must check the source of data to prevent polishment by governments.
